Carmel Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons

Body Contouring Procedures Following Significant Weight Loss

Sep 6, 2023 @ 12:46 PM — by Carmel Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons
Tagged with: Body Contouring Post Bariatric Procedures

Congratulations!! You have finally achieved your weight loss goal. Whether your massive weight loss was achieved with gastric bypass surgery or diet and exercise alone, many struggle with excess skin after significant weight loss that can hinder their final results. Therefore, contouring procedures are increasingly becoming part of the weight loss health and fitness journey.

For most people, the primary goal of a body contouring surgery such as abdominoplasty after major weight loss is to remove uncomfortable and unsightly excess skin and tighten the abdominal musculature. With the addition of liposuction, your procedure could also address small areas of stubborn fat that often accumulate in areas such as your hips. Other body contouring procedures such as mastopexy (breast lift), brachioplasty (arm lift) or thigh lift are also often used after significant weight loss to maximize the aesthetic outcome after achieving an ideal body weight.

However, body contouring procedures do have limitations. For this reason, it is important that you have clear, realistic goals about what body contouring can and cannot do for you. If you feel that you are at a good place in your weight loss journey to start planning for body contouring, the next step is to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. Dr Grasee and Dr Bergman can help you plan the most appropriate body contouring timeline for your unique situation, as well as explain your options and help you decide which procedure(s) might be right for you.

We invite you to learn more by contacting us.