Carmel Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons

Just a Little Liposuction Can Yield Big Results

Sep 14, 2021 @ 08:50 AM — by Carmel Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons
Tagged with: Liposuction Chin

Liposuction can slim or reshape specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits.

Although liposuction is not a substitute for eating well and exercising routinely, it can help by gettting rid of that stubborn adipose tissue or "fat" that won't seem to go away no matter what you do.

Liposuction of the chin despite re-contouring such a small area can yield BIG results. Check out these pictures! For even more amazing results, see our photo gallery.

Liposuction involves the surgical removal of localized excess fatty tissue. Dr. Grasee and Dr. Bergman perform tumescent liposuction which is injecting the area with a saline solution before removing the fat and UAL, or ultrasound assisted liposuction, which consists of liquefying the fat with energy from ultrasonic waves before suctioning the area. Liposuction can be performed on multiple areas at the same time or in combination with another procedure.  Indeed, almost any area of the body may be amenable to liposuction.  Some common areas people choose to have liposction include: chin, neck, chest, back, abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs and calves.

 After surgery, compression garments are used to decrease swelling. Initial healing will include swelling, numbness, soreness, bruising, and discomfort that can be controlled by medication. Following surgery, you can expect new contours and an enhanced self-image.

Contact us to schedule a consultation. Carmel Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons provides a supportive environment in which you can feel at ease to discuss your goals.