Carmel Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons

The Transformative Effect Of An Abdominoplasty

Apr 25, 2024 @ 10:05 AM — by Carmel Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons
Tagged with: Body Transformation Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty

Understanding the procedure, what it can accomplish for you, and how to choose a surgeon are essential first steps.

What is a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the abdominal area while tightening the muscles. Different types of tummy tucks are available, including mini, full, and extended. The right procedure for you will depend on your needs and aesthetic goals.

Who makes an ideal candidate for the procedure?

While a tummy tuck can be a life-changing procedure for many, it's not suitable for everyone. Ideal candidates are often people who have experienced significant weight loss or pregnancy and have excess skin, stretched or separated muscles and stubborn fat in the abdominal area that hasn't responded to diet and exercise. To achieve the best results, you should be at or near your goal weight before surgery.

How can you find the right surgeon for your tummy tuck surgery?

It's important to do your research when choosing a surgeon. Look for a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in tummy tuck surgery. Check their credentials, ask for referrals, read reviews from other patients, and review before and after photos of their work.

Once you've narrowed your choices, schedule a consultation with your chosen surgeon to discuss your goals and concerns. Good communication between patient and surgeon is key to getting your desired results.

The Abdominoplasty Surgery and What It Entails

What is involved in an abdominoplasty procedure?

A tummy tuck is performed under general anesthesia and typically takes between two to four hours, depending on the extent of the procedure. The surgeon makes an incision that enables the removal of excess skin and fat while tightening the abdominal muscles. A new opening is fashioned in the redraped skin for the belly button

What kind of results can you expect after the procedure?

It's important to have realistic expectations. While a tummy tuck can remove excess skin and fat and tighten the abdominal muscles, it's not a weight loss procedure nor a substitute for a healthy lifestyle.

The full results of a tummy tuck may take several months to fully appear as the swelling subsides and the incisions heal. To maintain your results, avoiding significant weight fluctuations is essential.

Tummy tuck surgery can be a transformative experience for patients, providing a smoother, more toned abdominal area that significantly enhances self-image and confidence.

Check out our photo gallery to see the transformative effects of abdominoplasty.

Contact us to schedule a consultation. Carmel Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons provides a supportive environment in which you can feel at ease to discuss your goals.  Our physicians, Dr. Elizabeth Grasee and Dr. Debra Bergman will educate you on your procedure, evaluate your case, and help you decide the best course of action to achieve your desired outcome. We are committed to guiding you towards a solution that aligns with your personal preferences.