Carmel Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons

Resuming Exercise after Plastic Surgery

Feb 27, 2023 @ 11:18 AM — by Carmel Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons
Tagged with: Postoperative Exercise

Resuming Exercise after Plastic Surgery

One of the things patients are usually interested in knowing about when considering plastic surgery is when it will be safe for them to exercise again after their surgical procedure.

Patients who have active, healthy lifestyles will typically be ideal candidates for cosmetic procedures such as breast augmentation, abdominoplasty and liposuction – but they shouldn't expect to be able to resume their normal exercise routine right away after surgery.  It's important to follow postoperative instructions to have as smooth a recovery as possible and ensure optimal results.                                     

If you are normally very active, the thought of having to take a break from a typically "energetic" lifestyle for weeks after your surgery can seem difficult. However, if you go back to exercising too quickly, it could prolong your recovery.

Take It Easy at First

It is generally safe to resume light walking – such as short walks around the room every so often – immediately after surgery. This is even encouraged since it helps to prevent blood clots. However, any form of exertional exercise and lifting greater than 10-15 lbs will need to be avoided for several weeks until your surgeon gives you the approval to resume activity.

Keep in mind that overstressing your torso in the case of breast augmentaion is a bad idea because implants are placed beneath or above the chest muscle. In the case of abdominoplasty, overstressing the core muscles can be detramental. Even exercising too soon after liposuction can be harmful.

In most cases, patients will be healed and able to resume all forms of exercise – including heavy cardio – within six weeks.

Listen to Your Surgeon

Postop guidelines and the timeline for when you'll be able to begin working out again can vary based on how extensive the procedure is, the areas of the body that are affected, and individual lifestyle factors. It's the patient's responsibility to follow Dr Grasee's or Dr Bergman's guidelines so that they can heal properly.

If you decide to go back to the gym before your body has healed properly, there could be complications that affect the quality of your results and your overall health. Swelling could become worse, switches could break open, tension from stretching stitches could make scars look worse, and the risk of infection at the incision site could be increased.

Exercise is an important part of making your body look the way you want it to, so patients sometimes worry about how time off after surgery can affect their fitness levels and body contour. The good news is that there will be no need to give up exercise. You just need to wait the allotted time to resume your normal exercise routine.

During your consultation, it is a good idea to tell your surgeon about your lifestyle, including any sports or exercise you do --so that they can tailor your postoperative guidelines and help you manage your postoperative expectations.

Contact us to schedule a consultation. Carmel Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons provides a supportive environment in which you can feel at ease to discuss your goals. Our physicians, Dr. Elizabeth Grasee and Dr. Debra Bergman, will help you decide the best course of action to achieve the desired outcome for breast augmentation. We are committed to guiding you towards a solution that aligns with your personal preferences and maintains your health.